Minecraft 1.7.10 city map with villigers
Minecraft 1.7.10 city map with villigers

You can then expand the map by holding it in your hand and moving around. The map will show a small area of the terrain surrounding you. Step 3 – Activate the Map : Right-click the map to activate it. Step 2 – Craft a Map: Place the 8 sheets of paper in the top row of the crafting table and the compass in the center box.

minecraft 1.7.10 city map with villigers

You can also purchase from merchants in villages. The compass can be made by putting 4 iron ingots and a redstone dust in the shape of a cross. You can craft paper by putting three sugar canes in a row on the crafting table.

minecraft 1.7.10 city map with villigers

Step 1 – Gather Materials : To make a map, you need 8 sheets of paper and 1 compass. In this blog, Moonpreneur will walk you through the step-by-step process of How to Make Maps in Minecraft via an informative video and pictures to help you get your hands on the maps quickly and easily!

Minecraft 1.7.10 city map with villigers